Monday, September 16, 2024

Crazy weather

Sunday zumba was cancelled due to. heavy rain.i got wet in the rain as it was went to yum cha at dim sum comfort food at SS 2 with steaming plates of rice rolls n crystal prawn dumplings. then did grocery shopping for the next 2 weeks and went Lotus n Giant for chicken,frozen satay n fish.wet market for kenya avocados n local papayas n green vegetables.back home sent clothes to spin dry at coin laundry as rain made clothes damp again.then i cooked soba with chicken for lunch and braised chicken wings and chinese spinach in big clams and goji berry soup Last nite i had cramp in my leg so this morning i went park to do an hour of qi gong and workout machines for an hour.felt my body is aching all over so i went for Thai massage at Sawadee.its my twice a year annual massage.the Thai masseur says my muscles are hard and taut like a boys body .She is brutal and uses elbow,feet and knees to prod,push and pull n i nearly yelled in pain.but after that banyak syiok as body felt totally tuned up after a maintenance.she got me hot ginger juice to drink and i had a good nap like kitty.

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