Sunday, September 8, 2024

Paid companions

there is a service for elderly with mobility issues in which companions are paid hourly rates to accompany aging for hospital visits or grocery shopping. my elderly blind sister engage such services for getting around.nowadays children work and have family of their own in another state.we cant be too paying for help to run errands belp us live at home.i havent seen my elderly neighbour for a few months.sometimes we make small talk when she waters her plants or hang her clothes to dry.but i thought she went to stay with ber children n grandkids in another place so i was surprised when i saw her looking frail and using a walking frame to move hit me that she had been very sick and thats why she seldom does house chores leaving her old hubby to do it. life is so fragile so anytime we may turn from ablebodied to disabled in a wink of an eye.A car accident or unknown virus or a cancerous cell can take away what we take for granted .so i appreciate good health to do the things i love.thankful for a good nights sleep and an active mind and body.

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