Monday, July 11, 2022

.Why parents in China wanna matchmake their single kids

I understand why parents wanna marry off their kids.its not because of peer pressure or having grandkids.As aging parents,we wont be around forever so we hope they find love in a stable relationship,so they can take care of each other and give support to one another.Having a dog or a car and house doesnt replace a life partner who will be there through thick and thin,up and down.ive been nagging son to settle down before he becomes another LLB or lifelong bachelor. im lucky my late parents had a strong,loving relatonship.yes they had differences,quarrelled and made up.but they never divorced.they took care of each other until the end of life so im thankful i grew up in a stable family and a happy loving childhood so my emotional foundation was set for life .i told Jun to remember what mom said its better to have loved and lost rather than never to have love at dont go around looking for the perfect person coz we re all long as both of you have the same outlook,attitudes and qualities,then things will work out.but if one changes,then let go and start all over again.

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