Friday, May 10, 2024

Haunted by a fallen tree

I had a horrible nightmare of a tree falling on my car after reading about the 50 year old tree crashing down and piercing the driver of the Mercedes and injuring a ehailing driver and his passenger.the 50 year old tree has turned into a spirit that was looking for victims to reinforce its life force. Life is uncertain and its fate that the car passes by at the time of the crash.but what is the responsibility of the local councils to trim and maintain trees.Singapore is a garden city and you dont hear of trees crashing down destroying cars and people.We have first world infrastructure and third world maintenance! recently a motorcyclist from Johor sued the council for poor road maintenance and huge potholes that caused him to be injured in an accident.its time to look at environmental assessment of hill slopes and river banks due to serious climate changes nowadays.

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