Friday, May 31, 2024

One and a half hour workout

gonna eat a big wedding dinner tonite so workout ramped up .an hour non stop zumba and 30 mins exercise machines on rowing,skiing n pull ups .totally spaced out The results of my blood test came out yesterday.Compared to last year,ive improved my health fitness as my blood glucose was 6.0 n HB1Ac 6.3 compared to last year 6.8 and 6.5.ive brought tryglycerides back to below maximum range at 1.5 and improved my HDL serum proportion.So the keto diet which helped me to lose weight improved my cholesterol my blood potassium level shot up as i took blood test 10 mins after aworkout I increased my intake of bananas n electrolyte drinks after sweating during outdoors workout,it causes a spike in potassium but it reduces my muscle cramp at nite so maybe i will reduce to one banana after workout. beginning of month i stock up on food n household necessity and went wet market,Lotus and Jaya Grocer.i bought house brand detergents,tissues n washing liquid from Lotus n surprising Cherry from Turkey at rm12.90 ,grapes from India at rm8,avocado from Kenya from Giant at rm 2 each and a box of jade green lychee from China from Jaya Grocer at rm12.90.i spent more than rm 320 on 2 weeks of grocery shopping.the can tuna and frozen food i will eat at the end of second week. its important to have strength training at my age coz functional fitness enables me to run everywhere and carry 4 heavy
bags of groceries and a loaded backpack on my back.

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