Saturday, May 11, 2024

Taking one step at a time,one day at a time

Challenges and problems are part and parcel of life.So its not that there is a perfect life with a happily ever after ending.there are ups and downs,so dont take the people you love for granted and dont sweat the small stuff. im having a hard time adjusting my budget to the rising cost of living.Even after using a piece of chicken to boil soup,i dont throw away the chicken and shred it to cook chicken mushroom noodle soup. Now things need replacing and repair after wear and tear.My car repair cost a bomb with increase in service tax and spare parts.i had to change the cracked steering rack,the front drive shaft,the brake pads,the tyres and battery.then it was durian runtuh for the subcontractor as the ceiling of my toilet runtuh when my upstairs neighbours unit leaked onto my toilet ceiling due to worn out waterproofing of the old condo building.luckily son was not badly injured when the fibreboard ceiling fell on his head and struck him in his toilet .he was shaken when half the ceiling fell on him including the glass lamp.thank buddha he was not injured on the head so its another huge repair bill to replace the ceiling.i will not use plaster ceiling and have bare industrial look showing pipes and wiring to prevent future ceiling falling.the Chinese say when the sky falls,regard it as a blanket to cover yourself.tien tit lok lai thong pei i think safety is more important than repair bill.things can be repaired and replaced but not a🤩 smashed human head or broken neck.look at the bright side.

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