Friday, May 17, 2024

Shooting themselves in the foot

In Japan the voters threw out a political party they supported for years for a new one thinking it was change for the better.but mismanagement of the economy,long drawn deflation and economic slowdown caused people to lose faith that change would happen. So when the Hope party messes up the peoples livelihood,it will be a Hopeless party soon.The fact that they cant win the support of young voters from undi 18 to early 30s in the recent byelection is a telling sign that the general election may be a bye bye election.the older voters will exit from this earth soon but the young voters will stay around for a long time to voice their choice of governance.Many young voters work in the gig economy,are not given Socso or EPF protection by the employers and their incomes are not stable and consistent but they prefer the freedom a gig economy gives as theyre not bound by office politics or a desk job.These young people do small e commerce business or are e hailing delivery riders like Lala move or Foodpanda.When the govt imposes the low value tax on goods in e commerce sites,its akin to throwing sand into their rice will deter customers from buying online as the tax is passed on to them so the young voters will choose a government that is friendly to their livelihood. Motorbikes are the choice for delivery riders and cars for ehailing so when petrol subsidies ate removed,the cost to these e hailing and transportation will go up and the business of eriders n e drivers will be badly affected besides the cost of inflation to basic goods and services like tourism will be badly the young voters will give the bye bye to the party that causes unemployment and rise in cost of when making policy that worsens quality of life its akin to shooting themselves in the foot.

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