Saturday, June 1, 2024

2 funerals n a wedding

ive attended 2 blue events n a red xi event this year.Tonite my cousins eldest son got married and relatives from near n far got together.There was the usual great food,wine,yam seng and photo sessions. The children i saw years ago are now working adults taller than mom and dad.there was a professional singer crooning old school songs but the food was the finest Cantonese food from abalone soup to steam garoupa fish and four seasons the roast suckling pig but the pigs head is daunting chu tou bing or chu bat kuai.the music is so sentimental and the red wine so lovely.i doggy bag the leftovers to cook a nice dish with stewed red chilli,tamarind slices and preserved vegetables.its a recycled dish that my cousin from London used to eat when she was nice to catch up with good old times.

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