Saturday, June 29, 2024

Kiara zoomba

I have a certain aura that attracts felines.Its a cats vibe.maybe they sense my soft spot for them and im a sucker for soft purrs meow meow.why am I not a magnet for hot hunks but furry pussy as a grey British short hair with icy blue eyes jumped into my car as i got out to go to the park.The sassy cat has a collar n bell and an owner.the pampered pussy sniffed the sofa and flopped down on my car seat.i tried to carry him out but he clung onto my seat belt with sharp claws.i sprinkled water from my drinking tumbler on him and he leapt out of my car. After zumba i went taman tun wet market for my nasi lemak fix.the mak cik was nice to make a hard boiled egg for me as i needed to get protein for my muscles.The mak cik from Penang cooks a mean spicy sambal im addicted to but today Mak cik Azizah had no stock of local avocado but a big cempedak but i hate to cut cempedak as the sticky sap is a nightmare to remove from kitchen knife but the smell is more harum than durians. then i chatted with the blind Chinese uncle begging on the stairs.i donated loose change and found he had a serious attack of shingles on face,back and scalp.i went to Indian stall and bought a packet of neem powder.taught him to mix with coconut oil and pounded raw tumeric to apply to sore blisters on his skin and bathe with it.i learnt to use Ayurveda treatment for my chicken pox which i got in my thirties as my Indian neighbour had an old grandmother who advised me to use it to relieve the chickenpox itch now im going back to Traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda herbs.ive been taking cordyceps grown locally to boost my immune system .the covid has a new variant n i ramp up my also drinking orange and lemon juice daily and my sister in law bought a few bottles of birds nest for i heard the Japanese bought over the chinese herbal chain Eu Yan Sang as theyre seeing a tevival of interest in TCM.

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