Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Finally Freedom for Julian Assange

Good news for long term supporters of Julian Assange who will get his freedom.hope he returns to Australia to spend more time with his family and his wife and young sons,the people who never gave up on him.In fact Noam Chomsky is one of his most ardent advocate for his freedom as the whistleblower is punished but cover up of military tactics is condoned.Press freedom is the fourth estate of a transparent governance and our communication minister should not muzzle the press using draconian legislation. When the govt does not communicate clearly and consistently ,we see how the opposition has gained the trust of young voters especially the young Malays by using social media to reach them to win their hearts and mind.Every time an issue arises the pro Opposition political network uses Tik Tok or Youtube to present their view of an issue and even clips of political campaigners making empty promises.The govt on the other hand buries its head in the sand and doesnt hear the views and responses of the grassroot voters or interviews them for feedback.thats why misinformation and disinformation spreads like wildfire when there is lack of consistent communication.

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