Saturday, June 15, 2024

The naughty pussy

this naughty cat does zoomies around my home.He gets so excited chasing the cockroaches and refuse to play with the wind up mechanical rat toy i bought coz he figured out its too stupid and run in circles only The other day frisky cat brought my bamboo plant near my dining table crushing down as he chased a cockroach hiding there.then when jun left the shrimp egg foo yong on the dining table ,he jumped on the table to sniff the delicious shrimp foo yong so that Jun was so mad he threw away the whole plate of egg shrimp foo yong.the greedy cat can smell good food from afar to chase him out to the balcony,i shot him with my water gun.the cat threw a tantrum and upset two potted plants on the balcony ,soil spilled on the floor and he ripped off the leaves to play.what a bad tempered tantrum like a small kid today i scolded him and he pretended to hide his face.when i nagged him again,he tried to bite me to silence my nagging.real rascal cat.

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