Saturday, June 29, 2024

Pissed off

This morning when Jun tried to shoo kitty out of the study room with the water gun,he ran so fast in and out of dining n living room and refused to go to the balcony.He darted to the open book shelf ,twerk his bum and pissed on my holy book the Dhammapada.I was furious and felt like smacking the rascal but controlled my rage coz hes an animal after all
who doesnt know one book from another.In a state of urgent panic,he marked his territory on the book shelf.i bought 2 cans of disinfectant and deodarant and cleansed the bookshelf and the Dhammapada and did a puja so that in his next life he will be reborn as a volunteer in an animal the evening after lecturing him on his poor bladder control,i gave him cat treats and forgave this rascal.

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