Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A fall again

This morning while i was carrying my bag of books with one hand,i used my body to push open the heavy wooden door leading to the car park,lost my balance and fell with a thud on my bum.i wonder if ive cracked my butt as its painful.luckily i only had ugly bruise on my elbow and a male colleague helped me get up.My hip ached and later need to see if i suffered any internal fracture.if i a able bodied person had problem opening the heavy door,how about disabled people in wheelchairs.there are disabled toilets and ramps but the doors are a hindrance to enter n exit.lucky my suede boots prevented ankle sprain in which my former boss also twisted her ankle at those same doors.sliding doors are easier to open for the disabled users. Jun took me to a hospital for a check up as the pain on my right thigh and hip was real bad.the doctor took Xrays,confirm no fractures n was muscular sprain.had a painkiller injection,gave prescription of painkiller,analgesic n anti inflammatory drug and a medicated ointment.advised not to dance or do strength training for 10 days to let muscles recover.cant go swimming either so now take slow stroll limping around the condo gardens. My pelvis n hip screaming in pain so l sit on an inflatable neck collar to cushion my bruised butt but its agony when i need to sit on toilet bowl.ouch real pain in the ass.

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