Monday, June 17, 2024

Take a foodie blind test?

Do you know the name of this. Indonesian salad? Its like Penang Pasembor of mamak heritage Its not like Penang fruit rojak with black sticky prawn paste n of Chinese nyonya origin sprinkled with crushed peanuts and sesame seeds. Are you a foodie with discerning smell and taste buds?In a blindfolded test with a trained chef,can you differentiate different types of chicken curry ? Whats the different flavour between indian chicken tikka masala,chicken varuval and chicken vindaloo? Can you differentiate between Malay chicken masak kicap,chicken masak merah,chicken rendang or chicken curry kapitan,chicken kurma and chicken lemak cili padi? Whats the difference between Chinese chicken pong teh,white cut chicken,chicken in yellow wine,red bean curd fried chicken,soya sauce braised chicken or salted egg yolk chicken or sweet and sour chicken? if you can beat the trained chef in a blindfold test,then you qualify as a real foodie😋😋😋👍

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