Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Food addiction

When food becomes a tool to relieve stress,emotional eating causes problems in health later on.Comfort food can turn into obesity and health issues.But there is no magic diet or even liposuction are fast weight loss methods that wont work long term if a person relies on food for stress a mind over matter approach is needed and other ways to relieve stress is important. im totally against the. use of Ozempic a diabetes drug to be used for quick weight loss as it deprived real diabetics from an affordable drug to regulate sugar levels as in South Africa,there is a shortage of Ozempic as the drug is sold at higher prices to nations willing to pay for weight loss solutions. i practise portion control.When i eat a big breakfast of tuna sandwich,coconut muffin,fruit salad and oatmeal ,then for lunch i ate vegetarian yam cake and glutinuous rice with curry vegetables and a monk fruit drink.then i deep fried some sardine potato curry puffs for breakfast next week.i like the value pack as ot has 16 sardine puffs for rm 8.50.Kami food also manufactures seafood dim sum and breaded fish fillets i buy for breakfast. then i bought a new cat toy for Captain kitty as he will be turning one years old soon.tbe well loved cat has so many toys to play with as he gets bored so easily n needs new stimulation.a spoilt brat.

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