Friday, June 21, 2024

Kitty tantrum

Captain kitty is strong willed and puts temper tantrum when he cant get what he wants.When hes in a good mood,he will let me stroke his head n pet him,When in a bad mood he will bite and claw me. Hes so frisky that he pulls down my indoor bamboo plants.i used the water gun to shoo him out when he leaped on the dining table while i was eating thai basil chicken.When i shoo him to the balcony,he put on tantrum and upset the three newly planted evergreen cuttings someone gave me.i had to mop the balcony as soil spilled everywhere.he is the king of the house nowadays.only likes wet food and hardly touch kibbles.he sleeps on some cloth on top ofthe bucket and he only slept in the cage as a kitten.i leave cage door open as the box of kitty litter is inside n the bowl of kibbles inside.otherwise he rules my outdoor garden lazing under flower pots and playing with his balls and stones on the floor.tonite i heard the wind chime tingling and thought it was the strong wind but he knows how to stand on my japanese stone lantern and strike the metal tubes of the wind chime.a smart cat so i will try to teach him to play the tank drum wi
th his paws.a musical Cat

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