Saturday, June 15, 2024

Hari Raya Haji holiday

Monday is a public holiday as its Aidiladha holiday for Muslims. Jun bought his favourite lemang that is sticky rice cooked in coconut milk in bamboo pipes over hot coal.He asked me to cook chicken rendang.i got a old broiler chicken for rm10 from the wet market.the tough bird is good for long hours of stew and doesnt become soft and mushy after two hours. i also got Chona lychees at rm 12 and Turkish cherry for rm after that i went home and cleaned the balcony n played with kitty.He kept on licking my grey pants n black tank top as i looked like his mommy tabby and he was grooming me.cutie cat
. then cooked rendang chicken n pounded the lemongrass n galanggal n ginger in the stone mortar n pestle Jun gifted me on mothers day.icooked brinjal with dried prawn sambal n garlic n tamarind juice for dinner.After dinner,i started baking sweet potato buns filled with minced chicken a Portugese bun called pang susi.I thought i got purple sweet potato but an idiot put a packet of yellow sweet potato in the box meant for purple tubers.The bread rose well as tonite the weather is hot.baked until past midnite.weekends arw busy days.

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