Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Writing is such hard work as we are emotionally exhausted when we delve into the psyche of the characters we create and try to reimagine their emotional and mental frame of mind.
It is a form of catharsis but channeling our emotions and transforming into the body of our characters need us to get into their minds and hearts.
  Sometimes being so caught up with the characters,we are haunted by the past,the vulnerability of the characters,their darkest fears and pain.
   When I went to Wat Lam Phong to seek the blessings of the bhikku for the rest of 2017,he asked Jun what I wish for and when Jun translated it,he chuckled and chanted some prayers.
    Are you sure? he asked as I nodded. The simpler the expectations we have in Life,the more contentment. All I want is  peaceful sleep at night. No need to strike a lottery,a rich husband or a new big car and house, an A star exam result,everlasting youth and perfect health .Just a good night's sleep without being haunted by the past. Just a good slumber.
      Sleep is like death when we lose awareness of the present surroundings to enter another level of sub consciousness and reborn the next day.sometimes we bring back what we have experienced to the next day and sometimes no matter how hard i racked my brain,i can't recall a single episode in the dream.

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