Monday, October 4, 2021

Your second life begins when you realize you have only one

went to popular bookshop to browse at books when this title by raphelle giordano caught my eye.i flipped thro,read the blurb and wonder why it was a French best seller for was such a dish it out common sense,full of platitudes and what nots and what ifs.camille a stressed out ,overworked mom with nsrves wrecked bumped into a Frenchman who saves her from a humdrum life and gives prescriptions for her acute routinitis by doing small changes like being in the present,be mindful,dont sweat the small stuff..Camille could have gone on a self discovery journey thro a vipassana meditation retreat to get the same tips. no waiting around for a smart aleck all knowing French knight to come rescue the damsel in distress.what a fantasy fairy tale with the proverbial fairy godfather figure. i had some sense knocked into my head when my old high school friends refuse to let me indulge in self pity poor me fest when i recounted my experience with operation n hospitalization.thats the thing about get together with old friends.they dont bullshit you n know you inside out. whining about the steel screw in my knee,my old friend laugh it off.either you see yourself as a Frankenstein or reinvent yourself as a bionic woman in which case i can give a kung fu kick and break the balls of a badass guy.i love my pal twisted humour.bionic woman is coming,watch out gropers!!@#$¥.time spent with old friends is so refreshing.i miss the camaderie during self isolation of a lockdown.should socialize more often,best antidote as laughter is the best medicine. bought 3 new books at bookshop as the cheap sale was a bargain.cant wait to read the rationalist richard dawkins book to get a dose of reality.for lunch,i
ate vegetarian rice roll,lovely fragrant cempedak,like a cross between jackfruit n durian but much cheaper,a glass of pomegranate and fed my cheap rm 3 blue siamese fighting fish.the has been blowing bubbles so time i get a mate for it as he has nesting instinct

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