Thursday, September 1, 2022

Merdeka decoration

 The hibiscus or bunga raya is the national flower of Malaysia.May peace and harmony prevail on this national day.on this sunny morning iam happy to see  secondary school students outdoors doing community outreach work.Group project work and experiential learning are the buzzwords for education encourage unity in diversity,the ministry of health asked the students to interview park goers on a survey questionnaire to get community feedback on drug rehabilitation agency.the participants came from different schools,gender n races so its good effort to bring learning out of the walls of the classroom.Education should broaden their views beyond textbooks.i also saw cute kindergarten kids out on a,school trip by Kemas preschool teachers.the kids asked intelligent questions as why the fish was dead and floating on the water.this is a good starting point for environmental education for children about water pollution,sewage and overgrowth of algae reducing oxygen output in water.the kids can also learn about organic farming like mulching of dried leaves or dig for earthworms to see their importance to soil fertility.they can also learn about tropical fruit trees and flowering plants and learn testing pH of water.biology lessons will pique their curiosity in science.
Singapore education emphasize critical thinking over rote learning .it scored world no 1 in PISA score for maths,science and reading.Some Australian educators who went on a study trip saw how technology is introduced from primary schools n how focused students were.teachers wanted to uplift the bottom but not cap the top so each child rises to the best of their potential.non academic students are trained in vocational skills to serve in f and b or hospitality industry.they even had mock kitchen and restaurants in school to train for real life skills.children go for robotic and programming tuition from primary order to move a nation from poverty to prosperity ,they concentrate on upgrading human resource.What la just a rural electrification project using solar for schools in East Malaysia costing billions result in corruption and leakages.How to improve education standards when primary school students in Singapore have a tablet each in class  when our schools dont even have electricity and dont talk about wifi.they have to climb up a tree to get a signal la.such heartbreaking comparisons.

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