Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Covid fears and anxiety

many are suffering mentally due to pandemic n lockdown.after reading the critical analysis by Bhutanese academic Dorji Wangchuk on covid fears and risk perception of different people,i get a clearer picture on how to handle anxiety. some have morbid fear of germs,suffering and death,so they literally cut themselves off from all social contact and imprison themselves at home. i prefer to take all the precautions but learn to live with the virus.the part time foreign domestic helper tested positive for covid but she puts on mask when she cleans the house n i wear my mask at home when she is far im friends sister visited her n tested positive so she self quarantines for 2 weeks as precaution altho she tested i wont imprison myself or get hyperchondriac or gonna buy more self test kits at home,sterilizing misting gun and paracetemol,vitamin c with zinc supplementsn the chinese lianhua ching wen capsules so that if either of us catch covid,we are well stocked with everything. there are many things in life beyond our control so we can only plan and prepare for the worst but still need to let it be and not let fear take over our lives.

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