Monday, March 21, 2022

Art as life or life as Art

in our troubled times,we need to maintain an open dialoque and that dialogue is through Art.imagination sets us free from the limitation of so so thrilled to see our malaysian actress Michelle Yeoh acting in an indie movie,everything,everywhere,all at once that is sci fi,based on an asian migrant theme of intergenerational conflict and starring the awesome Jamie Lee Curtis. its time that the story of asian chinese migrants be known globally and how bold Michelle Yeoh is from taking martial arts characters,action heroines,historical dramas of aung sang su kyi,memoirs of a geisha to the soong sisters of china to badass James Bond to crazy rich Asians and now a comedy sci fi.she is a risk taker to take on challenging roles and is so versatile.i applaud how she has evolved from stereotypical roles to groundbreaking blockbusters to small independent movies.a chameleon who changes with the times.

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