Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Happy Prosperous Rabbit year

 Im broke from giving out lucky money or lai see for new year.this custom is a costly one especially for married adults but rich for singles n frugal but buying new year gifts,seafood delicacy and imported waxed meat n mandarins has blown my budget especially with high cost of food.

 I decided not to join zumba gang for ten course lunch as it was costly.i try to cook n eat all meals at home,bake cakes n bread and now shop at Giant n Lotus as their things are affordable compared to wet markets.luckily EPF release pension early coz i need to buy my regular medicine which is imported.i try to buy locally made medicine as its cheaper but some have no substitute n buying online is risky due to fake drugs.ive cut off vitamins completely and buy fresh fruit which is very costly nowadays.

I buy washing detergent,cooking oil n shampoo in plastic packages to reduce throwaway waste.for kitchen utensils i get from daiso or the second hand goods like cash converter.i may have to get a electric oven second hand soon as my toaster oven i use to bake cake n bread is getting cranky.for clothes i buy vintage from thrift shop especially outdated fashion from Japan or Korea as European clothes are oversize.ive quit massage since i bought the electric roller machine with infra red heat.i may give up painting as acryllic paint costs a bomb and no space to hang the canvas.but i wont give up my books for they are my only hobby left.

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