Friday, January 27, 2023

Modest attire,pop music,dancing,drinking as criteria for morality

 There is overemphasis on clothing,music,dancing and drinking as signs of decay and immorality in a society and less notice given to ostentatious display of ill gotten money through corruption,spreading of hate speech and bigotry and marginalization of minority by the so called pious goody two shoes.

Only The almighty is the final judge of good and evil deeds in a person,not the judgement of the human appointed messengers of his teaching.

 So look at the root cause of religious hypocrisy?

If they point fingers at others for causing them to sin,what is the power of religion to instill self control and discipline and mastery of the self?

 Religious education is outdated and should consider stance of modern complex issues like surrogate parenthood,abortion,organ  transplant,euthanasia,internet addictions,substance abuse,mental illness or social recluses who withdraw from society,self harm and suicide.

A former prime minster sloganeering of civilizational islam and the present pm sloganeering of civil  islam or  msia madani remains no action,talk the so called reformer willing to challenge the status quo of endemic corruption,nepotism and cronyism entrenched in institutions or is it just political rhetoric to garner support of the grassroot.lets see if action speaks louder than words or the silence speaks volumes?

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