Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Speak up

 Women tend to keep their thoughts to themselves and let the male assertiveness to  dominate the conversation.but mom was very outspoken for a chinese woman in pre war generation despite lack of formal education.its her strong,tough character shaped by being brought up by a single mother and taking care of younger siblings.after learning how to read and write,she became self educated .she kept well informed by watching news and reading newspapers and knew current political amd economic affairs.she worked alongside dad in his business keeping track of business accounts and current trends.she seldom binged on viewing soap operas and prefer to deal with reality.

We emulate mom and my blind and going deaf elderly sister is also outspoken and vociferous so much so that when she complained to her assembly person or political representative about bias treatment given to old single disabled woman compared to old disabled married woman who get support from husband and children and have higher BRIM payout compared to singles without support of spouse and kids,she got literally blocked on his social media accounts.if the representative of the rakyat doesnt interact and keep his ears to grassroot voices,they will get booted out at next ballot box.the elderly living at poverty line is a sizeable proportion and by dismissing and ignoring their concerns,our MPs are shooting the messenger and ignoring their message so dont be surprised when they put their dissatisfaction in the ballot box.when you cant solve the rakyats concerns,let someone else who can do it.

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