Friday, November 5, 2021


there are public outdoor equipment in the park.this hunk with tanned hot bod,six packs n bulgimg biceps the size of melons taught me how to strengthen my upper body by doing chin ups on the bar.the eye candy asked me to do it for 20 mins but after hanging like a monkey for a few seconds,i gave up. but the real eye sore are chinese elderly uncles in their beijing bikinis.they roll up their t shirts exposimg pale flabby belly.what is worse is when they reach their cars,they peel off the stinky t shirt ,go topless exposing pregnant bellies n saggy boobs and wipe their dad bods with a towel before putting on a dry t shirt.why cant they change inside the car? now Beijing has passed an anti social law to ban beijing bikinis on public gross to publicly exhibit dad bods.theres a parody of a song called beijing bikinis by the mighty project sung in English.they should broadcast it in public.a hunky six pack,now thats a different story

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