Saturday, July 24, 2021

A skeptic view of ancient wisdom

a modernist view thinks in with the new and sweeps away the of course science and technology are associated with progress and the better quality of life it has improved upon.undeniably we owe it to the leaps and bounds that mechanization and industrialization has given us a comfortable n more convenient lifestyle. so we disregard the ancient knowledge of our ancestors.only now we are seeing the effects of unsustainable way of life and the effects are widespread and catastrophic from the devastating floods in China and Europe,the wildfires in the US amd Australia,the prolonged drought and threatened farm production Excess consumption and unbridled development resulted in emvironmental destruction. in countries with established traditional knowledge,we scoff at the ancient wisdom that harmonizes man with nature.soon,farmers lose their traditional knowledge of agricultural practices and trust in machines,chemical fertilizers ,genetically modified seeds,pesticides to increase yields.we surrender unwritten knowledge to corporations that use intellectusl property rights to misappropriate traditional knowledge. its not only happening in agriculture,but also in medicine amd traditional arts like yoga,ayurvedic medicine,herbal treatment,acupuncture or martial arts. when ancient wisdom can be moneticized using modern methods of business like extractimg vital components of herbs and making into vaccines,pills etc or commercializing yoga by usimg online apps or yoga retreats or yoga apparel or acupuncture for pain relief.The western cultural appropriation sees commercial exploitation of traditional knowledge as how fireworks in China is transformed to gunpowder or tumeric and ginseng the new wonder health food. with rising cost of modern medical treatment,it is time to see how our forefathers use traditional methods to stay healthy before we have an opoid crisis or drug dependency on our is time we get back to meditation and mindfulness training before our mental healthcare is assigned to asylums and the rise in mental illness due to breakdown in communal is time to go back to organic food before we pollute the soil and water.

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