Monday, July 12, 2021

No branded stuff

im cheapskate which comes from childhood of frugal mom who sewed our swimsuits,panty,dresses from scraps of cloth.i sewed and embroider my own cloth bags before it was fashionable n sewed my own plush toys.went to british council library to borrow handicraft books n did dried flower pressing or decoupage or paper mache masks. Now kids learn gardening from virtual apps or keep virtual pets.much better expose them to the real world when things are less than perfect. when i went to spain,didnt buy luxury stuff from Zara coz i buy clothes from flea markets and bargain stores.i like to customize my clothing.but i m foodie and bought jamon,chirozo,canned stuff.i learnt to cook paella and seafood.i love spanish and italian cuisine.had salted cod pate with toasted bread,canned baby octopus,mussel and sardines.wish supermarkets stock canned to eat mediterranean food.

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