Saturday, July 17, 2021

Let them eat cake.

in browsing through the history of the French revolution which saw the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of the republic,there is a tale of how out of touch the elite was to the plight of hunger of the peasants and ordinary people.when informed that the peasants were starving due to a famine and had no bread to eat,she dismissed them with a curt phrase "let them eat cake." so wpuld love to watch les miserables written by victor hugo to depict the plight of the downtrodden and the unfair justice system used to oppress the poor.turned into a musical ,the songs are uplifting but when made into a Hollywood movie lost its charm.voldermount(errata itsinspector javert mix up w harry potter novel) the vengeful policeman was determined to unlock the secret past of a mayor who he recognised as a former prisoner.a time when the man stole bread to survive and was imprisoned for it. after so long,some symbols like the storming of the Bastile has been turned by artists into masterpieces of painting.

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