Saturday, March 23, 2024

Zumba n talk on AI

Fun session of zumba at the park.then off to fetch elder sis to attend a talk on AI at awe gallery in PJ. im a supporter of art gallery like annexe gallery that was located at pasar seni kuala lumpur that i could access by light rail many mind blowing n eye opening shows and talks from Dr Farish Nors talks to Performance poets and art sales by hobbyist arists.Art galleries are a venue for creativity and incubation of ideas. Machine learning has enabled AI to be disruptive technology used in creative fields from drawing,painting,composing music,interior design or even writing a novel.Where does that leave human imagination and will machines have a heart,soul and consciousness one day,what does it mean to be human? ive been reading the columist Andrew Shengs writing as theyre insightful and analytical on a macro perspective of global the race for global domination,the one who has the upperhand in innovative technology will call the shots. Many Chinese busineses concede America leads in high tech whereas they are better in mid tech,namely the ability to convert technology into
production prowess .Developing and poor countries that fail to upgrade their productivity through AI and knowledge based innovation will remain in the low tech category. the creative industry in Malaysia will be hindered by overly restrictive controls on the mass media by institutional overseer with overly sensitive sentiments to ban so called subversive elements .Freedom of expression can only flourish in an open culture.

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