Thursday, September 9, 2021

Content creation

the rise of social media has turned many people to do crazy stunts just to capture audience attention.for that few second of fame,they take photos in dangerous places like hanging to edge of cliffs or doing stunts like leaping from one rooftop of tall skyscraper to another.these youtube star wannabes dice with death .its so stupid to risk their livess for likes and subscribers. content creation is hard work as subscribers have lots of options and the same stale formula is boring bloggers eat crazy food to capture audience,couples do childish things like dressing scantily to arouse jealousy of partner.its all a mock n fake show. i like the teaching video where i learn new technique to paint,diy crafts or cooking shows with clear step by step instruction.tbere are endless things to learn like repotting plants or make own deco.its life long learning on youtube,not mere entertainment.the imteractive nature of it meams we can get instant feedback on our videos

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