Sunday, September 12, 2021

Give hope to the youths

its so heartbreaking to see young people give up on life as they commit suicide when they see a hopeless future.stay strong as all this shall makes me so sad to see young people feeling despair n depressed and not seeking mind faculty slogan says mental pain is as real as physical pain. there should be community service health workers to offer support for them to get back on their feet.some face stress from broken homes,failed relationship,loss of jobs,illness n accidents and disasters.the services should be a support system that helps them regain strength to start over again.there ushould be no shaming n blaming as everyone has their moment of weakness. so sad to read about the 20 something young man who got depression n killed himself by hittimg a glass door as he was frustrated not allowed to travel home to see his family in the lockdown or read a 28 year old female who committed suicide,being jobless for a year.can the leaders get priority right to restart the economy before more young people feel despair and give up on life.politicking and focusing on petty issues while the young give up as they see no future for themselves is a failure of governance. suicide should not be an option for the young.just watched pia who killed herself as she was a nurse n helped her injured boyfriend recover after an accident but killed herself after going back to workforce also watched kinky boots production and crew pay tribute to the talent of haruma miura in his lead role as Lola in learning singing n dancing for the musical kinky boots.they praised his passion ,dedication n enthusiasm to live musical theatre.from their insights,they too felt sad over the sudden loss of such a talented young actor. suicide prevention starts with public education amd tellimg them how to reach out for help.

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