Sunday, September 5, 2021

Lack of support for creative industry

the creative industry offers potential for development of talent.from the advertising,movie making,theatre,music,anime and creative design,all offer scope for training young talent.but they need freedom of expression which is stifled by censorship by the moral guardians. look at the japanese anime scene,the manga,the k pop craze,chinas movie industry and we are losing out when we could be building on our multidiverse narratives to sell to the world. narrow mindedness and tunnel vision stifles the artistic drive and our film actors like michelle yeoh and henry golding can reach pinnacle of success in Hollywood.our directors tsai ming liang,edmund yeo n chiew keng guan can succeed in taiwan n japan n china.why? we had great success with Yasmin Ahmad .i saw lot of talent in new generation like Amir Muhammad,Tan Chui Mui,James Lee Liew Seng Tat and ho yu hang.But they are lacki g funding and support and so we lose talents to foreign nations.

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