Sunday, December 12, 2021

A new friend

Romi is a new fitness friend ive made at the park.we communicate in English and Malay ,a bahasa rojak tapi today as i was using the equipment,i was shocked to hear him conversing fluently in Mandarin to a Chinese parent.He said his Chinese grandma wanted the grandchildren to study in Chinese vernacular schools.that is why many Indian and Malay parents send their kids to study in Chinese schools due to the advantage in being multilingual. so its really one malaysia family when we have Ramli Ibrahim teaching Indian classical dances or an Indian girl singing Mandarin songs in Sing for China a globalized world,we should learn each others culture and language and embrace diversity.people get to know each other better by interacting through sports or hobbies and not by studying from a textbook.there is need to walk the talk not talk the sharing food in open houses,watching games at the mamak or learning music in a band like the Alleycats bring people closer than what politicians are doing.Romi my friend really is amazing with his fluency in Malay,Mandarin and English,this is what bangsa Malaysia should be.

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