Sunday, December 12, 2021

One Malaysia n The Malaysia Family

Sometimes its the politicians who are dividing and not uniting Malaysians in order to gain more votes.we dont believe all that bullshit they say about One Malaysia and the Malaysia Family as they dont walk the talk in how the national policies are racially discriminating and and non inclusive.a case is the civil service which doesnt reflect racial distribution of all ethnicity or boarding schools which are populated by exclusively one race.thus those causing disharmony are the political elites.they make a big hooha about preserving language and culture but send their own children to international schools with foreign syllabus or study in foreign universities.they dont support local economy by going for shopping ng sprees in France,London or Italy. it is the ordinary Malaysians who take care of each other regardless of race and religion as seen in the food aid programs of kita jaga kita or when we rally to support the doctors given unfair contracts. it is better for politicians to stop being champions of the 3Rs,race,religion and rubbish.they infringe on the rights of minorities by imposing on rights of other races to drink and gamble.they impose tax and restrictions on haram activity but have no reservation on spending money collected from sin taxes.they close one eye and let corrupted politicians go free without penalising them but the ordinary Malaysians get penalised when they break the isnt the corrupted politicians stealing from multitudes of people and can get away with it because of political connections.why shouldnt those who make the law face more heavy punishment when they break the law.if one person shoplifts or rob,they get jailed but if a politician steals from many people,they get to keep the loot besides having the freedom to travel in Malaysia,corruption has become a way of life so its laughable when politicians condemn citizens who give bribes but they themselves are not shy to take bribes.what kind of logic is it when you say that when money is given without asking,its a donation,not a bribe.with their access to power and privilege,the supposed donor would expect special favours from them.think there is such a thing as a free lunch in this world without personal agenda.

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