Thursday, December 9, 2021

Pragmatism of China women

There is a quote by a Chinese single female"I would rather cry in a BMW than laugh on the back of a bicycle."it shows how Chinese women are not deluded by love and romance.its how money talks and those with money stand a better chance of marriage as they are considered a "good catch" the Cantonese say catch a big water fish" dai xui yu. so men dont worry about finding a mate at old age as long as they have deep pockets.Chinese women are materialistic as they want a comfortable married life and not live in poverty.when poverty walks in through the door,love flies out of the window. says a proverb so the Chinese mens self worth is determined by his earning potential and not looks.Looks will fade but money,not love is forever. so a chinese males market value in the dating scene is judged by the 4 cs especially when China transitioned from a communist to capitalist with potential must qualify by the 4Cs criteria:credit card,condo,car and country club membership.under old communist system in the past girls look at cupboard,bicycle,tv set and sofa .now the stakes are higher. but as the education of women has improved,they get higher career status and more options in life.they start their own business,set up firms,travel independently,buy their own condos and cars and are marriage is not the be all and end all in life and they need not measure their success by the worth of their ability to hook a rich husband. so this allows more equal status in power between male and female in a marriage as the husband no longer is sole breadwinner and calls the shot as head of the family.power in gender imbalance allows an unhappily married woman to walk out of a failed marriage or when thete is domestic violence by an abusive even enables single women to store their eggs until a time when they decide to give birth.although society frowns on unmarried mothers,its better than a child brought up in an abusive marriage and the child grows up with traumatic stress syndrome. education empowers women with better choices in thankful mom stressed importance of education for daughters as she asserted the value of being independent financially and retaining decision making power in a marriage.thats why she choose to marry dad who was not as rich as the other rich guy who was wooing her as he owned sawmills n land as she wanted more autonomy and equal status in a marriage.i respected her tough character and resilience as she worked hard side by side with dad to build up their business while supporting elderly grandpa and grandma living with us,helping his sisters who were struggling to make ends meet and still having time for friends and relatives.the older gen
eration were people who although uneducated were people who honour their words,kept their promise and were self reliant not depending on government aid and had no social support. to mom,family came first.she said its more important to build your character than your i know deep in my heart,she would be proud i brought my son up single handedly without begging for help from others,bought my own home and i just paid off my car after 5 years.once i pay off my home,i will be footloose and fancy free.the freedom from financial responsibility is lightening the baggage we need to this stage,we need to travel lighter in life and not shoulder heavy commitments

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