Monday, April 4, 2022

All the worlds a stage

All the world is a stage and all the men and women merely players,they all have their own entrances and exits. Shakespeare saw human nature at play so that though the times have changed and the english language evolved,some things like human nature remains the same. Putin is an eloquent speaker,a persuasive politician who uses logos or facts to convince his listeners.Zelensky is an actor by training and uses pathos or emotional appeal to capture his audience with a performance worthy of a Grammy. but at the end of the day,both have chosen politics as their career.but lest we forget,what all politicians lack is ethos or ethics. Putin works closely with oligarchs to amass great wealth.of course much is hidden in offshore accounts or put in proxys names. Zelensky himself doesnt have untainted records as the Pandora papers reveal.He and his allies too have offshore accounts n proxy like his wife. so who gains most from initiating wars.surely the military industral complex that sees sales of drones,missiles n anti missile tanks skyrocketing besides obscene increase in defence budgets so dont try to pull the wool over our eyes by hypocrisy of moral outrage and defender of freedom. in war,there are no victors,all are losers,both in lives lost and economic loss.somehow the aggressors who lose a war will be punished with paying for cost of war and compensation to the victims.that is the price to pay for in world war 1,Germany was defeated n accused of starting a world war and so under Versailles treaty was forced to pay exorbitant compensation to France n The resulted in hyperinflation in the weimar republic and the german normal citizens suffered high cost of living.the US refused to cancel the debt which took Germany 92 years to repay which they did in 2010 finally.but in between the Great Depression worsened the suffering of the German populace so much that it gave rise to extreme nationalism and the support of a strongman like Adolf Hitler who as an astute politician seized power by canceling the debt so that through out the third reich,germany stopped repayment of debt. so the aggressor became a victim due to punitive economic measures which caused a rise in fascism and dictatorship which caused the second world war and the aggressor reemerges with new destructions. so if the nation that initiates a war has to pay compensation to the invaded nations,has the US ever paid for the financial losses to Libya,Iraq,Syria,Vietnam etc. oops forgot the semantics n doublespeak,they were fighting a so called moral war to free the population from an oppressive regime so they are freedom fighters technically,not that is how war is whitewashed as a moral,just and ethical war.just like how the west colonized Africa and Asia to civilize the the principle of terra nullis or uninhabitated lands means the american and australian colonialists were superior species but the indigenous were primate species. the stranglehold of economic sanctions may backfire on the western allies as the suffering of normal russian civilians may give rise to another rise of another dictator like Hitler,a worst strongman who may unleash potent arsenal of weapons of nuclear war or work together with another dictator like kim jung un in the worst case scenario.the enemy of my enemy is my friend.Asia should keep our distance from this war and mind our own business as both have intercontinental missile arsenals. in looking at a peace mediator an Asian nation doesnt understand the complexity of Europe as much as an European so someone who is not politically aligned to voters or understand both communist n democratic states is Angela Merkel who would understand Putin better n has no vested agenda except peace in the EU.

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