Monday, April 4, 2022

Can sci fi read the future

so many times,imagination can be a powerful tool to envision the future.Aldous Huxley imagined The Brave New World. "All things considered,it looks as tho Utopia were far closer to us than anyone could have imagined.then,I projected it 600 years into the,it seems quite possible that the horror may be upon us within a single century.that is,if we refrain from blowing ourselves to smithereens and to use applied science,not as the end to which human beings are to be made the means,but as the means to producing a race of free individuals,we have only 2 alternatives to choose from:either a number of national,militarized totalitarisms,having as their root the terror of the atomic bomb and as their consequence the destruction of the civilization or else one supranational totalitarianism,......and developing under the need for efficiency and stability,into the welfare tyranny of pays your money and you takes your choice.this was written in 1946 as a post war message for humanitys future. in his other novel Ape and Essence Huxley envision the ruin of humanity when an expedition of rediscovery reaches California over a century since the world was devastated by nuclear war but the blight of radioactivity and disease still gnaws away at the survivors.their expedition expects to find physical destruction but they are quite unprepared for the moral degradation they meet."love,joy,peace_these are the fruits of the spirit that is your essence and the essence of the world.but the fruits of the ape mind,the fruits of the monkeys presumption and revolt,are hate and unceasing restlessness and a chaotic misery tempered only by frenzies more horrible than itself. Roosevelt kept repeating ,repeating unconditional surrender thro the whole of the second world war.look at what happened when the phrase became a policy and was put into practice.unconditional surrender-how many millions of new cases of tuberculosis?how many millions of children forced to be thieves or prostituting themselves for bars of chocolate.and again,unconditional surrender-the ruin of Europe,the chaos in Asia,the starvation everywhere
e,the revolutions,the tyrannies.unconditional surrender -and more innocents had to undergo worse suffering than at any other period in history. in huxleys discussion of the rapid deforestation,pollution and other acts of ecological imbecility which preceded the self inflicted apocalypse of nuclear war,he describes a world that is still chillingly topical.look at the bushfires in california which is an annual event,the floods in australia ,the air pollution choking our cities,he foresaw it all.

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