Tuesday, April 5, 2022

The social contract

humans do not have absolute freedom to do as he wishes.as long as he has the role of child,student,citizen,husband,worker,believer,car driver,he is obligated to act and behave according to a set of unwritten and written code of conduct.as he functions as a social being,he is bound by the social contract. there are unwritten rules of conduct as a child to his parents,as a student to his teachers,as a citizen to his nation,as a wife to her husband,as a believer layman to his temple,church or mosque and as a worker to his employer. so there is no absolute freedom or free will.cultural conditioning by parents,mental conditioning by schools and institutes,brain washing by the mass media and the religious institutions,social conditioning by peer pressure all leads to submission to a higher authority,sometimes unconsciously and sometimes voluntarily. so man is born free but everywhere he is in chains i thought that monks and priests are free from rules and obligations,no child,parent,spouse or employer to rule over them and then realized they are bound by rules of the religious institutions they belong to and the religious rules.so unless you are a wandering ascetic living in a cave and surviving on natures provision,you have free will but they too have duties to their followers although living a non materialistic life.they too are susceptible to power but unlike the normal laymen search for position and wealth,they seek for mind control. Orson Welles said "we are born alone,we live alone and we die alone.it is only through our love and friendship that we can create for a moment the illusion that we are not alone

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