Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Finally Freedom for Julian Assange

Good news for long term supporters of Julian Assange who will get his freedom.hope he returns to Australia to spend more time with his family and his wife and young sons,the people who nevver gave up on him.In fact Noam Chomsky is one of his most ardent advocate for him as the whistleblower is punished but cover up of military tactics is condoned.Press freedom is the fourth estate of a transparent governance and our communication minister should not muzzle the press using draconian legislation.


i baked 11 muffins using coconut flourcoconut milk,dried dessicated coconut n sunflower oil n 3 eggs.the aroma from the oven was delicious and kitty is just waiting to pounce on the muffins so i quickly put them in containers.i bought some ready made curry sardine puffs which i will deep fry tomorrow.for tea time i ate kwan kees jujube layer cake,osmanthus goji berry cake and a mochi roll filled with mango,pomelo sago.the dessert of this Hong Kong chain is excellent Cantonese cuisine.old fashioned traditional dessert is coming back in fashion.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Therapy for body and mind

The GP l saw last nite gave the green light for massage as the soft tissue injury has recovered.So i went for zumba in the park.After that to relieve sore muscles i went for Chinese massage at Amcorp Mall.Winnie has helped me relieve back ache 10 years ago and i did foot reflexology and tuina.It was therapeutic. Then went to Book Xcess and bought a book by public intellectual Noam Chomsky.( I pray he lives a long life) and a book on socialism by French economist Thomas Piketty .its time to take care of the body and mind. i panfried Japanese chicken gyoza for lunch and had jasmine green tea and a fruit salad.For dinner i cooked a hard to find Indian health food tender moringa leaves cooked with sweet potato n carrot in a tumeric coconut milk curry.then fried scallops from China with cucumber in oyster teriyaki sauce and finally curry tomato sardines.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Friday, June 21, 2024

Sat zumba

i can zoom again.

Kitty tantrum

Captain kitty is strong willed and puts temper tantrum when he cant get what he wants.When hes in a good mood,he will let me stroke his head n pet him,When in a bad mood he will bite and claw me. Hes so frisky that he pulls down my indoor bamboo plants.i used the water gun to shoo him out when he leaped on the dining table while i was eating thai basil chicken.When i shoo him to the balcony,he put on tantrum and upset the three newly planted evergreen cuttings someone gave me.i had to mop the balcony as soil spilled everywhere.he is the king of the house nowadays.only likes wet food and hardly touch kibbles.he sleeps on some cloth on top ofthe bucket and he only slept in the cage as a kitten.i leave cage door open as the box of kitty litter is inside n the bowl of kibbles inside.otherwise he rules my outdoor garden lazing under flower pots and playing with his balls and stones on the floor.tonite i heard the wind chime tingling and thought it was the strong wind but he knows how to stand on my japanese stone lantern and strike the metal tubes of the wind chime.a smart cat so i will try to teach him to play the tank drum wi
th his paws.a musical Cat

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Over strain,Traditional Chinese Medicine

Last week i was happy to feel better and i went to workout on machines for strengthening my muscles too soon without warm up stretching orcool down n i strain my inner thigh again n the pain made me waddle like a duck walk .i remember its a lie no pain,no gain.My HIIT trainer Derek advised importance of stretching and warm up
n cool down to avoid sports injury.now i get the point.pain is best teacher. so i will follow my sis in law advice to see acupuncture from Tong Shin hospital to heal faster and get herbs forinternal medicine to reduce internal swelling n inflammation. today i did light yoga stretching and Ba Duan Jin to warm up and cool down.must listen to the body n go slow n reduce reps on machines by half.slow n steady like a tortoise to avoid pain.talking of Turtle i went to my little herbal tea shop to eat turtle jelly or guai ling gao.its actually vegetarian herbs for anti inflammatory.i went chinese medical hall n the chinese sinseh recommended tian chi noto ginseng to reduce blood statis n swelling.i also got tiger milk mushroom to strengthen lungs and respiratory immune system.im going back to holistic health in qigpng and yoga and acupuncture and tuina to recover my energy.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

BYD hybrid

When will they assemble the BYD hybrid in Malaysia?Will they train more mechanics to service and repair the cars and have spare parts manufacturers here in Malaysia to speed up. repairs. The new models of BYD hybrid has impressive fuel efficiency and a fully charged battery and a full tank of petrol can travel 2,000km from Singapore to Bangkok nonstop for recharging.My Singaporean brother who is an electrical engineer says that BYDs battery are one of the most advanced development.Compared to the past i used to see Toyota Prius on the road,now i see many models of BYD seal,dolphin and atto.isee many Chery SUV too.the designs are very sleek and stylish unlike the past old models.its very European in design rather than Japanese or American.the aesthetic part has improved by leaps and bounds.the only snag is trained mechanics and spare part.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Take a foodie blind test?

Do you know the name of this. Indonesian salad? Its like Penang Pasembor of mamak heritage Its not like Penang fruit rojak with black sticky prawn paste n of Chinese nyonya origin sprinkled with crushed peanuts and sesame seeds. Are you a foodie with discerning smell and taste buds?In a blindfolded test with a trained chef,can you differentiate different types of chicken curry ? Whats the different flavour between indian chicken tikka masala,chicken varuval and chicken vindaloo? Can you differentiate between Malay chicken masak kicap,chicken masak merah,chicken rendang or chicken curry kapitan,chicken kurma and chicken lemak cili padi? Whats the difference between Chinese chicken pong teh,white cut chicken,chicken in yellow wine,red bean curd fried chicken,soya sauce braised chicken or salted egg yolk chicken or sweet and sour chicken? if you can beat the trained chef in a blindfold test,then you qualify as a real foodie😋😋😋👍

A bird or birds with flowers painting

Spent afternoon drawing a bird or a couple of birds amidst flowering branches for the Chinese cloth fan I bought.Cant decide if solo or a pair is nicer.let me sleep on it

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Fine dining

My Singaporean brother and his wife came over to KL for the Hari Raya holiday with his mother in law and nephew as the food in Kl and the shopping very good bargains.i havent seen him for 6 years since the last time my younger sis in Singapore hosted Chinese New Year Reunion dinner at her home. They gave my blind elder sis and jun and me a scrumptious gourmet dinner last night at Paradise Dynasty restaurant in Paradigm Mall.My foodie sister in law has discerning taste in fine dining and we thoroughly enjoyed the different xiao loong bao with truffles n crab roe.then we had cold chicken roll in chinese wine like western chicken roulade .i love the cantonese steamed garopa with ginger scallion,the yang zhou fried rice full of wok hei and use japonica rice and juicy shrimps and a pancake with spicy pork fillet and steam fish meat in egg white. it was orgasmic food porn and the culinary team was excellent in its cooking skills on par with the Supertanker Seafood restaurant i ate for my cousins sons wedding. A quick check on the web showed Paradise Group holding is a Singapore based global brand that started as a humble seafood joint in an industrial park and now expanded to China,HongKong,Indonesia,Cambodia,Vietnam and even the USA.if the food is consistently good the repeat customers vote with their mouth. Most overseas Chinese keep their love of fine food in their cultural heritage.its a common bond uniting us although we are spread far and wide across the four seas . its a good thing they are improving immigration waiting time at border checkpoints as long queues are an agony especially toilet accessibility.im looking forward to the high speed rail link to travel down to Singapore to visit my relatives and siblings Im glad Fan Bing Bing is the ambassador for Melaka tourism and she looked stunning in the pink baju kebaya.China tourists like to rent the sarung kebaya to wear in Jonker Street with fake nyonya buns.I cant afford a pair of beaded kasut manik but i bought a cheap pair of mules for rm19 that i plan to put in floral design of beads using superglue gun I think the Chinese in Malaysia adopted Malay cuisine and turned it into fusion food of baba nyonya.Yesterday at the taman tun wet market,the Malay mak cik taught me to weave the ketupat casing using pandanus leaves.its intricate and lovely and the skill should be kept alive like how the Chinese use 2 bamboo leaves and straw to wrap bak chang rice dumplings.i bought kuah kacang and some ketupat kacang from Malay ulam stall.Mak cik Azizahs cooking is excellent and the peanut sauce i will use to make indonesia salad gado gado. In the wet market,i saw a young Malay family bringing their children marketing and the kind father bought two small sparrows and gave his young daughter to release them from her hands.this is a good practice of teaching compassion to free the caged birds.i praised the father for teaching his kid kindness to animals instead of teaching her violence and hate and giving her fake guns and swords to carry.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Hari Raya Haji holiday

Monday is a public holiday as its Aidiladha holiday for Muslims. Jun bought his favourite lemang that is sticky rice cooked in coconut milk in bamboo pipes over hot coal.He asked me to cook chicken rendang.i got a old broiler chicken for rm10 from the wet market.the tough bird is good for long hours of stew and doesnt become soft and mushy after two hours. i also got Chona lychees at rm 12 and Turkish cherry for rm 15.so after that i went home and cleaned the balcony n played with kitty.He kept on licking my grey pants n black tank top as i looked like his mommy tabby and he was grooming me.cutie cat
. then cooked rendang chicken n pounded the lemongrass n galanggal n ginger in the stone mortar n pestle Jun gifted me on mothers day.icooked brinjal with dried prawn sambal n garlic n tamarind juice for dinner.After dinner,i started baking sweet potato buns filled with minced chicken a Portugese bun called pang susi.I thought i got purple sweet potato but an idiot put a packet of yellow sweet potato in the box meant for purple tubers.The bread rose well as tonite the weather is hot.baked until past midnite.weekends arw busy days.

Travel is pipe dream

With rise in cost of living ,thetefore to travel to foreign countries is out of reach of my budget.After Covid pandemic air fares and hotels have skyrocketed and coupled with the depreciation of ringit,travel overseas is out of my budget completely.Lucky i travelled in my younger days as travelling is so costly now.Even Bali and Thailand have become costly destinations compared to the past.i gonna save up for car repair n medical costs and only go for senior citizen discounted movie tickets.But one theatre musical im saving up to view is Chin San Soois musical in July on the life of Sybil Kathigesu.im so thrilled its being staged as a live musical as hearing the songs sung on stage is better than in a movie.Although i enjoyed the songs in the movie Les Miserables,its not the same as hearing it live. Can you hear the people sing Singing the songs of angry men i get a high listening to Andrew Lloyd Webbers musical from Cats to The Phantom of the Opera.

The naughty pussy

this naughty cat does zoomies around my home.He gets so excited chasing the cockroaches and refuse to play with the wind up mechanical rat toy i bought coz he figured out its too stupid and run in circles only The other day frisky cat brought my bamboo plant near my dining table crushing down as he chased a cockroach hiding there.then when jun left the shrimp egg foo yong on the dining table ,he jumped on the table to sniff the delicious shrimp foo yong so that Jun was so mad he threw away the whole plate of egg shrimp foo yong.the greedy cat can smell good food from afar to chase him out to the balcony,i shot him with my water gun.the cat threw a tantrum and upset two potted plants on the balcony ,soil spilled on the floor and he ripped off the leaves to play.what a bad tempered tantrum like a small kid today i scolded him and he pretended to hide his face.when i nagged him again,he tried to bite me to silence my nagging.real rascal cat.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Yippee outdoor exercise

this morning weathers like yunnan or guangxi in spring,cloudy,windy and slight light rain.i think my one week non active self imprisonment is up.went to bukit k
iara park for stroll in light rain.bumped into Prof K in his wheelchair n zumba mate who reminded me to come this Sunday.im dying to dance again.dare not overtrain n did light workout. saw a cute doggy out for car ride with its owner enjoying cool ride.i miss nature,sun n rain.