Monday, January 10, 2022

Dont stoop so low to the level of bottomfeeders

in most cases,the rot starts from the top.these sharks are scavengers who feed off the small as the law of survival goes,monkeys see,monkeys do.the duit kopi goes from big to small and the hidden cost to operational cost of business involves payouts n bribes to sharks and bottomfeeders. corruption has become part and parcel of the culture so that no one blinks an eye and just shrug off the billion dollar whale.the cause is the moral bankruptcy that lacks ethics and integrity. when the society around closes one eye,the thief can get away with daylight robbery. the other issue is blatant racism with the rot starting from the rescuing flood victims,we hear complaints of selective rescues.even Jun was racially abused by a racist while dining at Haji Samsuri satay one nite.He choked while drinking ice cold water n swallowed some ice cubes.instead of sympathising,the racist bully shouted epithets of wuhan virus spreader and drinker of bat the US,an ex American president instigated anti Asian hate by racially profiling a virus and seems some supremacist right wing here are copying their idol in the west.the white idol even used the word "kung flu" at a rally in order to win applause from his young supporters for his racially insensitive naminģ of a virus that caused a spike in violence against Asians. should we boycott dining at Village Park Nasi Lemak and Haji Samsuri Satay.i say No way,why should we sink to the level of the bottomfeeder and the low life?that means we have to turn ourselves into racists like them.the more open minded we are interacting with all races,the more we show them that intercultural communication is vital in a globalised this case an eye for an eye,and soon the whole world will be blind.

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