Wednesday, May 10, 2023

People to people vs nation to natiom

 People to people interaction is ongoing and without antagonism between east and west.its only politicians that rile up tensions for power and electorate influence.

What is the flip side of patriotism but toxic nationalism where self interest Europe tried to overcome national prejudice by forming a community.With europeans involved in internecine wars like 1st and 2nd world war and countless lives losr,why are they trying to fan the flame of war in eastern Europe? Are they just lapdogs of a nation trying to preserve its hegemony or do they want to export war and destruction to other regions like in the Middle East?They talk of peace,harmony and free markets,but carry the sword of Damocles on the other hand,ready to sever ties with decoupling and derisking! 

What to do if a nation becomes rogue and subvert the will of its people? If a nation like Myanmar is expelled,it still can function.take a look at north will isolate itself and cut off all communication with outside jaw jaw is better than war war.the myanmar military govt needs to know power sharing with a civilian govt is crucial for peaceful co existence.internecine civil war is mutually destructive and a win win solution is far superior.

When military intervenes in governance,it becomes a civil war like Sudan and without stability,economy is needs third party intervention like China to persuade both sides to renegotiate a solution as better economic condition will see a rising demand for chinese goods and services

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