Friday, November 26, 2021

OmG Omnicron variant

After the Delta variant,the corona virus has mutated a new variant the Omnicron which was mostly found in botswana n south africa and now spread to belgium,hong kong and isreal.what a nightmare.i wonder if our booster vaccines can fight tbe new variant which is 500 x more infectious than Delta.a scientist dr ulrich elling from the vienna institute of molecular biotech said it was detected in johannesburg and they are uncertain of whether current vaccines can lessen the severity or how the immune system will be disabled.they need more raw data from the current patients infected by Omnicron.B11 529.will international borders be closed to international travellers again.will they develop boosters shots against the new variant?can hospitals cope if cases in ICU skyrocket again?the medical frontliners are facing burnout so please get vaccinated or you will be a public health hazard to others. Eu CDC advise non phatmaceutical intervention like mass testing,contact tracing,but the Europeans are so hung up about human rights and no social distancing n going maskless in public that i feel many underestimate the risk to lives of this lethal virus.its not a case of your money or your life but your mask or your life.what's the use of defending human right when you become a non human for it?

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