Thursday, February 10, 2022

Street smart not book smart

i think growing up in a busy city,lone females need to be alert to the surroundings and be able to detect potential risk.thats why girls walking alone shouldnt wear expensive jewellery n watches,dont carry handbags that can catch the attention of snatch thieves,dont get glued to handphone while walking on the pavement and beware of pickpockets in crowded places.i would prefer to go out with someone who is street smart rather than book smart.a lone female is easy target for potential bully n sexual harrassers.a partner who is street smart can smell the vibes from a potential baddie. in the US,anti Asian haters are attacking Asian females and the elderly.they should move in groups or be escorted going out on the streets.or they should carry concealed guns for self defence.its safer for foreigners to be in Asian cities like Singapore or Japan where community policing is good,cctv deters crimes . its sad for children who live in cities they are not safe playing on the streets.lucky i grew up in an era when street crime was unheard of n people keep a lookout for each we lock our kids up at home for safety but i used to run around town ,dashing across busy roads,playing with neighbourhood kids and challenging them in tic tac toe,skipping ropes and rummaging in bins to look for collectibles like cigarette tins,cutting lids of tins to make weapons like the samurai stars.tin cans can be made into lanterns .

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