Friday, February 4, 2022


last nite i viewed wuxia movie new cult was known as heavenly sword n dragon sabre a novel wriiten by prolific writer jin yong.its full of intrigue,betrayal,love and conflicts.many of jin yongs novels were made into TVB tv series of which i once was addicted to as wuxia was historical fiction n martial art. the fight for power between emei clan,wudang clan n shaolin is legendary.i was thrilled to visit Emei temple in Sichuan when i visited it.the buddha and boddhisatva statues were huge and imagine visiting a temple that ive seen only in wuxia movies. im eagerly waiting for the sequel of the new cult master 2. Zhang San Feng the founder of Tai chi was played by Donnie Yen but i much prefer the Zhang San Feng played by the younger Jet Li in TaiChi master. i saw an Asian American has created a website called Wuxiaworld to let wuxia fans view martial arts fantasy online.what a creative idea.the Japanese have anime n manga,the koreans have K pop n soap operas and the chinese have wuxia.

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