Friday, June 24, 2022

Clean governance

As a democracy and constitutional monarchy system,the people have the right to peaceful assemble,freedom of expression and freedom of speech as enshrined in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. The blacks in the US would not have won the right to abolish slavery and the right to end racial segregation if not for the people march in the civil rights movement of Martin Luther King.the British would not give independence to India if Gandhi didnt organize the people to march in the civil disobedience act to protest unfair tax on salt. Bersih is in the spirit of unity of all citizens regardless of race,gender or social status to demonstrate solidarity of the people for clean governance.there was no looting or assault on bystanders,only a peaceful its misleading to associate it with chaos and looting and destruction unlike those in hong kong done to destabilize the economy and discredit the central government by foreign agent provocateurs. Bersih shows the maturity of the political awakening of Malaysian voters.perhaps some parties are afraid that the protest may jeopardize the interests of the elite in business activity but it is precisely why the bersih reformations were needed to clean up the corrupt practices of elites who hold privileged positions in government and abuse it to misappropriate public funds,practise cronyism and nepotism instead of meritocracy and earn huge commissions from dubious projects.the civil rights movement is the needed check and balance to prevent abuse of power as power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.if the elites are truly prihatin and caring for welfare of the rakyat biasa,we wouldnt face the problems of poor rescue and housing for the recent flash flood was a case of kita jaga kita when the political elites were paralysed by poor planning and coordination in a crisis.Abject hardcore poverty among Johor citizens number over 4,000 people and over 83% of them are from the major ethnic group so how has the state government taken care of the welfare of its residents.W
Who is responsible for lifting these families from poverty,the federal or state government or each is pointing the finger at the other in the blame game. Barang Naik atau Putus Harapan? bantuan subsidi B40 sekeluarga ialah Rm 100. elaun untuk Chairman Felda Global Venture ialah rm480,000 dan elaun minyak,toll n maintenan kereta ialah Rm180,000. tapi rakyat biasa biayai kos minyak dan tol dan maintenan kereta ialah dari gaji sendiri. sekarang gomen nak kena cukai atas belian barangan bernilai rm500 kebawah melalui perniagaan laman web seperti shopee dan lazada.apa yang kita rakyat biasa boleh jimat ialah kacang putih berbanding dengan elaun lumayan pihak elit.itu sikit pun nak memeras dari rakyat. Gerakan Rakyat Akui Menyerah GERAM Kaw Kaw atau Gerakan Rakyat Akan Menentang GERAM Betul

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