Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Torn n tattered clothes

so angry with Jun who spends on buying car spare parts when he should buy new angry he secretly replaced the audio system in my car with a boom box that vibrates when he listens to his ear splitting music in the car.i refuse to let him change my tyre rims to fanciful nonsense or put a spoiler to spoil my sedan car.The torn and tattered t shirts n shorts he wears are worse than the rags for my toilet.maybe im old school but coming from a tailor family,we mend torn clothes and patch is it fashion to wear ripped jeans.when his late grandma saw his ripped denim jeans she took her sewing machine to patch up all the gaping holes hanging by a few threads. thats appalling fashion to dress like a hobo. i just hope he gets shredded and get a ripped body ,not more torn n ripped jeans.whats fashionable next is a man who doesnt shave for years,doesnt wash long,tangled messy hair for weeks and doesnt bathe for days to smell like a skunk and his toe and fingernails unclipped like claws because its the in thing for men to look like hobos,dress like hobos and smell like hobos.yucks,vomit blood i would vouch anytime for K pop pretty boys that are so well groomed and glamour king over a macho he man who looks like a chauvinist pig and smells like one to boot. .its disgraceful he doesnt groom himself well and dresses like a homeless how to find a wife looking like a vagrant by the kerb.the gaping holes in his shorts show i mended his holey pocket but now i refuse to mend any clothes n make him buy new T shirts n shorts.such a cheapskate guy wont get a wife.let him marry his Nissan,Toyota or Mazda. I will marry him off to the next girl that comes along by offering a dowry.must make him lose weight and go for matchmaking session soon.time and woman waits for no man.

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