Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Do they even get to the ground

When policymakers make policy that affects our cost of living,do you think they care? Bila pilihanraya dekat,janji ini,janji itu tapi janji dicapati bila dapat menang . Naik caj servis untuk bekalan elektrik.i think 10 times before i switch on air con to sleep at nite even in this damn skin is sticky n smelly from sweating even with fan full blast n an air cooler that doesnt chill.mossies come buzzing round my ear . i get up to drink iced water to cool down.i bathe at least 3 times a day after exercising,cooking n baking so my water bill has shot up by 2 x from rm12 to rm30. i buy daily things from the bargain rm2 eco shop even shampoo,body wash,detergent n toilet cleaner.i trim my own hair n now try to borrow books to read but the titles in public libraries are so outdated.ive given up buying health supplements,kefir n yoghurt. now dont even eat at hipster cafes but street food n dai pai dong.i buy frozen dim sum and boil my own herbal soup.i need to hunt everywhere to buy plastic bags of oil .so hard to keep up with rising cost so i think the rate of inflation by official statistics is one big bullshit that kerajaan cipta untuk syiok sendiri,less than 2 per cent at 1.5 percent when it feels like 30 per cent hike in inflation compared to our income.which professor kangkung from some longkang university came up with the statistics?

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