Thursday, April 25, 2024

Pak Sako

Pak Sako was one of the early founders of Utusan Melayu during the pre World War Two era.Fired by the spirit of nationalism,These early Malay fighters for independence from British colonialism and Japanese occupation were vocal with their views. i bought Pak Sakos novel Anak Mat Lela Gila a long time ago.i wondered if it was influenced by Lu Xuns A diary of A Mad man.But its like the outsider in a sane society sees issues more clearly than the insiders as he is more detached than the actors and as hes not emotionally involved. What social critique did pak sako make commenting on the propensity to focus on trivialities and rumour mongers.So to plead insanity ,one can get away from conforming to the societal norms.Why does the protaganist adopt and take care of an abandoned baby he named Bulat. its pak sakos third classification of insanity that is insightful.what the majority condemns is mad is deemed true as the logic of the crowd is infallible.just like how people judge if the food in a new restaurant is good by looking at the crowd of diners there. so just follow the crowd as the majority cant go wrong.Its this herd mentality that is so dangerous as Hitler uses propaganda to whip up emotional sentiments and the crowd blindly followed.To judge someone based on the court of public opinion gives rise to harrassment and victimization of the otherness in society. it is how some people tarnish the teputation of a person not based on facts and evidence but based on allegations and the past,people write surat layang or anonymous poison pen letters and circulate it to slander a person.but in the modern era,with rise of social media networks,fake news is viralised in seconds.thats why it shows the susceptibility of people who dont understand logical fallacies to fall under the charms of so called social influencers and key opinion leaders who amass huge followers to make big money whether its to flaunt their wealth or their feel good lifestyle and make themselves the envy of lesser mortals who are stuck with boring jobs and stressful lifestyle. to conform is to follow the crowd but this doesnt make societal norms the morally right action as collective will of peer pressure undermines an individuals freedom and right to think differently it will see the powerful override the powerless,the rich usurp the plight of the poor and the adage that might has right

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