Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Timeless creativity

im so excited to read in the Star about the creative pursuits of a director in his
80s and a musical composer in his 70s working together to compose a musical opera in i cant wait to watch a musical Solace in Papan on the life of Sybil Karthigasu a marytr in the second world war who inspired Chin San Sooi after reading her novel No dram of Mercy in 1957 way before i was born She is a Malaysian patriot that history books have forgotten like Pak Samad Ismail or Ahmad a musical in Sybils memory is a fitting tribute to her being so active in the golden years is so me hope that i can still sing and paint. i like Chin San Soois directing of the monologue Emily of Emerald Hill.i watched the soliloguy performed by Pearly Chua
as a Nyonya matriarch dressed in her sarung kebaya and set in a peranakan decorated restaurant like the Old China Cafe in Chinatown Petaling Street narrating the family feuds and loss of her son in a solo drama.Pearly Chua is a veteran theatre actress.Old China Cafe should introduce live theatre in their restaurants or dondang sayang songs with tea dances of joget and i will definitely dance Jao Tim in Chinatown was where i could enjoy old jazz ballads live music if the chinese opera dramatic association opens up live opera performances there it will draw in tourists who will pay to attend. i really hope some generous sponsor will do CSR by sponsoring San Soois musical on the life of Sybil Kathigasu maybe some towkay from Perak or Air will revive history of Papans small town n the dispensary of the Kathigasu.

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